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Tobacco control


Record #: 1423 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1716

Year of the publishing:2005

Title (rus.):Надлежащая практика в борьбе с курением. Регулирование табачной продукции. Отчет Канады

Title (eng.):Best practices in Tobacco Control. Regulation of Tobacco Products. Canada Report

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:844

Record #: 1203 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2937

Year of the publishing:2005

Title (rus.):Рамочная конвенция ВОЗ по борьбе против табака

Title (eng.):WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1009

Record #: 1425 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1813

Year of the publishing:2004

Title (rus.):Инструменты для эффективной борьбы против табака в 21-м веке. Законодательство по борьбе против табака: вводное руководство. Второе издание.

Title (eng.):Tools for advancing tobacco control in the 21th century. Tobacco control legislation: an introductory guide. 2d Edition.

Authors (rus.):Ed. by Blanke D. D., Costa e Silva V.

Authors (eng.):Ed. by Blanke D. D., Costa e Silva V.

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:2976

Record #: 1424 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1633

Year of the publishing:2004

Title (rus.):Налогообложение на табачную продукцию в Европейском регионе ВОЗ: практика и вызовы

Title (eng.):Taxation of tobacco products in the WHO European Region: practices and challenges

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:716

Record #: 1031 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2549

Year of the publishing:2004

Title (rus.):Европейская стратегия ВОЗ по освобождению от табачной зависимости

Title (eng.):WHO European Strategy for Smoking Cessation Policy

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:902

Record #: 1246 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2524

Year of the publishing:2003

Title (rus.):Политические рекомендации по освобождению от табачной зависимости

Title (eng.):Policy Recommendations for Smoking Cessation and Treatment of Tobacco Dependence

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1570

Record #: 1042 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2489

Year of the publishing:2003

Title (rus.):Меры борьбы против табака в странах Европейского региона ВОЗ – 2003 г.

Title (eng.):WHO European country profiles on tobacco control – 2003

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:964

Record #: 698 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:3162

Year of the publishing:2002

Title (rus.):Варшавская декларация `За Европу без табака`. Европейская конференция ВОЗ на уровне министров `За Европу без табака`. Варшава, 18-19 февраля 2002 г.

Title (eng.):Warsaw Declaration for a Tobacco-free Europe. WHO European Ministerial Conference for a Tobacco-free Europe. Warsaw, 18-19 February 2002.

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:686

Record #: 693 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1714

Year of the publishing:2002

Title (rus.):Атлас по курению.

Title (eng.):The Tobacco Atlas

Authors (rus.):J.Mackay; M.Eriksen.

Authors (eng.):J.Mackay; M.Eriksen.

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:942

Record #: 1190 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1720

Year of the publishing:2002

Title (rus.):Европейская стратегия борьбы против табака

Title (eng.):European Strategy for Tobacco Control

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:766

Record #: 819 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1592

Year of the publishing:2001

Title (rus.):Пропагандистские кампании в СМИ по борьбе с курением в мире. Рекомендации составленные на основе изучения опыта.

Title (eng.):Smoking cessation media campaigns from around the world. Recommendations from lessons learned.

Authors (rus.):E.H.Schar; K.K.Gutierrez.

Authors (eng.):E.H.Schar; K.K.Gutierrez.

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:848

Record #: 513 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:4046

Year of the publishing:2000

Title (rus.):Сдерживание эпидемии. Правительства и экономическая подоплека борьбы против табака

Title (eng.):Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the Economics of Tobacco Control

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1012