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Keywords:организация медицинской помощи
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Record #: 1886 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Category:Health care management and planning
Hits since 08.10.2009:3277
Year of the publishing:2007
Title (rus.):Планирование оказания медицинской помощи. Обзор международного опыта
Title (eng.):Policy brief. Capacity planning in health care: a review of the international experience
Authors (rus.):Ettelt S., Nolte E., Thomson S., Mays N., International Healthcare Comparison Network
Authors (eng.):Ettelt S., Nolte E., Thomson S., Mays N., International Healthcare Comparison Network
Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)
Keywords:планирование, финансирование, организация медицинской помощи, planning, financing, health care delivery
Downloads since 08.10.2009:2588