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Electronic versions of documents: 4272
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in English: 2779
in Russian: 1493
Hits since 08.10.2009: 4158955
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Accidents, violence, suicides, injury
Record #: 1224 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:2393
Year of the publishing:2007
Title (rus.):TEACH-VIP: пособие для пользователей
Title (eng.):TEACH-VIP: curriculum [electronic resource]
Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:1476
Record #: 1377 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:1775
Year of the publishing:2006
Title (rus.):Травматизм и насилие в Европе. Почему это вызывает озабоченность и что может быть сделано
Title (eng.):Injuries and violence in Europe. Why they matter and what can be done
Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:2089
Record #: 1651 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:1717
Year of the publishing:2005
Title (rus.):Алкоголь и межличностное насилие
Title (eng.):Alcohol and Interpersonal Violence
Language of the text:английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:1499
Record #: 960 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:1713
Year of the publishing:2004
Title (rus.):Всемирный доклад о предупреждении дорожно-транспортного травматизма. Резюме
Title (eng.):World report on road traffic injury prevention. Summary.
Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:1132
Record #: 959 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:1818
Year of the publishing:2004
Title (rus.):Всемирный доклад о предупреждении дорожно-транспортного травматизма.
Title (eng.):World report on road traffic injury prevention.
Authors (rus.):Под ред. M.Peden; R.Scurfield; D.Sleet; et al.
Authors (eng.):Ed. by M.Peden; R.Scurfield; D.Sleet; et al.
Language of the text:английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:461
Record #: 1076 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:897
Year of the publishing:2004
Title (rus.):Руководство по надзору за травматизмом
Title (eng.):Injury surveillance guidelines
Authors (rus.):Под редакцией Y Holder, M Peden, E Krug, J Lund, G Gururaj, O Kobusingye
Authors (eng.):Edited by Y Holder, M Peden, E Krug, J Lund, G Gururaj, O Kobusingye
Language of the text:английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:362
Record #: 1007 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:1938
Year of the publishing:2004
Title (rus.):Руководство по основным видам помощи при травме
Title (eng.):Guidelines for essential trauma care
Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:563
Record #: 830 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:1719
Year of the publishing:2002
Title (rus.):Атлас по повреждениям и травмам. Иллюстрированный обзор по глобальному бремени болезней, вызванных травмами
Title (eng.):The injury chartbook. A graphical overview of the global burden of injures
Language of the text:английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:1068
Record #: 681 Full information about the document (including abstracts)
Hits since 08.10.2009:2594
Year of the publishing:2002
Title (rus.):Насилие и его влияние на здоровье. Доклад о ситуации в мире
Title (eng.):World report on violence and health
Authors (rus.):По редакцией: Этьенна Г. Круга, Линды Л. Дальберг, Джеймса А. Мерси, Энтони Б. Зви и Рафаэля Лозано
Authors (eng.):E.G.Krug; L.L.Dahlberg; J.A.Mercy; et all.
Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)
Downloads since 08.10.2009:1635