Документационный центр Всемирной организации здравоохранения при ФГБУ «Центральном научно-исследовательском институте организации и информатизации здравоохранения» Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации

Всемирная организация здравоохранения
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Epidemiology and statistics


Record #: 2091 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2440

Year of the publishing:2012

Title (rus.):Мировая статистика здравоохранения, 2012

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2012

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1467

Record #: 2728 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:654

Year of the publishing:2011

Title (rus.):Мониторинг, оценка и рассмотрение национальной стратегии здравоохранения. Страновая платформа для информации и отчетности

Title (eng.):Monitoring, evaluation and review of national health strategies. A country-led platform for information accountability

Authors (rus.):Всемирная организация здравоохранения / Международное партнерство в сфере здравоохранения

Authors (eng.):World Health Organization / International Health Partnership

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:221

Record #: 2071 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1703

Year of the publishing:2011

Title (rus.):Мировая статистика здравоохранения 2011

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2011

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:828

Record #: 1973 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2538

Year of the publishing:2010

Title (rus.):Оценки материнской смертности: 1990 - 2008

Title (eng.):Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2008

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:707

Record #: 1972 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2236

Year of the publishing:2010

Title (rus.):Уровень и тенденции материнской смертности в мире: новые оценки, разработанные ООН

Title (eng.):Levels and trends of Maternal Mortality in the World: the Development of New Estimates by the United States. Technical Report

Authors (rus.):Wilmoth J., Zureick S., Mizoguchi N., Inoue M., Oestergaard M.

Authors (eng.):Wilmoth J., Zureick S., Mizoguchi N., Inoue M., Oestergaard M.

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:2563

Record #: 1916 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2138

Year of the publishing:2010

Title (rus.):Мировая статистика здравоохранения 2010 год

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2010

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1104

Record #: 1901 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2975

Year of the publishing:2010

Title (rus.):Цели развития тысячелетия в Европейском регионе ВОЗ

Title (eng.):Millennium Development Goals in the WHO European Region. A situational analysis at the eve of the five-year countdown

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1746

Record #: 1807 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2884

Year of the publishing:2009

Title (rus.):Мировая статистика здравоохранения, 2009 год

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2009

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1269

Record #: 3088 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:948

Year of the publishing:2008

Title (rus.):Глобальная база данных по безопасности крови. Сводный отчет за 2004-2005 гг.

Title (eng.):Global Database on Blood Safety: report 2004–2005

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:163

Record #: 1983 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1625

Year of the publishing:2008

Title (rus.):Глобальное бремя болезней. 2004. Дополненное

Title (eng.):The global burden of disease: 2004 update

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:852

Record #: 1728 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1942

Year of the publishing:2008

Title (rus.):Мировая статистика здравоохранения 2008

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2008

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:773

Record #: 1683 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2499

Year of the publishing:2008

Title (rus.):Распространенность онкологических заболеваний на пяти континентах. Том IX

Title (eng.):Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Volume IX

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:0

Record #: 1681 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:1978

Year of the publishing:2008

Title (rus.):Материнская смертность в 2005 г.

Title (eng.):Maternal mortality in 2005

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:887

Record #: 1655 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2946

Year of the publishing:2008

Title (rus.):Атлас здоровья в Европе, 2-е издание, 2008 г.

Title (eng.):Atlas of health in Europe. 2nd edition. 2008

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:2019

Record #: 1402 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2806

Year of the publishing:2006

Title (rus.):Обзорная сводка о состоянии здоровья в Российской Федерации 2005г.

Title (eng.):Highlights on health in the Russian Federation. 2005

Language of the text:русский (russian)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1111

Record #: 1401 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2776

Year of the publishing:2006

Title (rus.):Обзорные сводки о состоянии здоровья в странах. Профили здоровья стран

Title (eng.):Country highlights on health

Language of the text:русский (russian)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:0

Record #: 1398 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:3199

Year of the publishing:2006

Title (rus.):Мировая санитарная статистика 2006

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2006

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1015

Record #: 1235 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2799

Year of the publishing:2006

Title (rus.):10 вопросов о состоянии здравоохранения в странах, являющихся новыми соседями Европейского союза

Title (eng.):10 Health Questions about the New EU Neighbors

Authors (rus.):Arnaudova A.

Authors (eng.):Arnaudova A.

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1046

Record #: 1235 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:3136

Year of the publishing:2006

Title (rus.):10 вопросов о состоянии здравоохранения в странах, являющихся новыми соседями Европейского Cоюза.

Title (eng.):10 Health Questions about the New EU Neighbors

Authors (rus.):Arnaudova A.

Authors (eng.):Arnaudova A.

Language of the text:русский (russian),английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:2216

Record #: 1200 Full information about the document (including abstracts)

Hits since 08.10.2009:2754

Year of the publishing:2005

Title (rus.):Мировая санитарная статистика 2005

Title (eng.):World Health Statistics 2005

Language of the text:английский (english)

Downloads since 08.10.2009:1143